Monday, March 28, 2011

Are you hungry?

Matthew 28:19-20 (New International Version)

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

As I prepare for my mission trip, I have been reading up on scriptures given to us in our trip packet. This scripture really stood out to me today. It made me stop and really read through every word of this familiar verse. 

"Go and make disciples of ALL the nations." It does not say go and make disciples of your friends or your family or your neighborhood. It says GO. Leave. Do not just make disciples where it is easy for you. Tell all the nations. They all deserve to hear the good news of the gospel.

"Baptizing them." That part really struck me. Should I literally be baptizing people? Do I have that kind of authority? For me (and correct me if you feel I am wrong) I feel that I could teach people about the good news of Jesus Christ and teach them what it means to be baptized and made a new creature in Christ. As far as physically baptizing them myself, I would have to pray about it and do what God led me to do. 

"In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Another phrase so commonly said but today it made me stop and think. The Trinity is such an amazing concept. One God in three parts. You have God the Creator who created Heaven and Earth and everything in between. Son, who is 100% God and 100% Human who came and died for our sins. And a Holy Spirit, who enters into us when we accept Jesus Christ, and who lives and breaths in us. Three awesome parts working together to form one perfect God. That's breathtaking. 

"And teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you" This is saying we know what foundations God has laid out for us. We know the Commandments and we know the laws and most importantly we know the love of Jesus Christ and salvation we receive from His death and resurrection. It seems almost second nature to us like "duuuh that's what you're supposed to do" but there are people out there who do not know! They do not know that the wages of sin are death. They do not know that Christ came to earth just to die so that we can have new life. They don't know. No one told them how God wants you to live. It's our job to share with people what God has shared with us, so that they too can find their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.

"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

God never leaves us. He loves us so much that He is there every single step of the way. God of the universe goes to class with you. He eats lunch with you. He is there in the midst of your conversations with your friends. Right now as I sit in my room and type, He is here. How comforting is that? No matter where you are or what you are going through God is right there. He will never leave you. Think about that for a second. 

Challenge of the Day
Get into the Word today and while you are reading think deeper into scripture. I'm not saying trying to decode it and find hidden messages. I mean really read each word and take time to appreciate how good God really is. So good that He sent His son, and filled disciples with knowledge of Him so that they could tell us, that God gave us written word in form of the Bible. God gave us His words in writing! How often do we take advantage of that by not reading it. Get hungry for the word and hungry for the love of God.

Love in Christ
Until later Bloggers,

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